Want to drop me a line? Now, here's
your chance! I'd like to hear from you, whether it be from promoters, bookers, wrestlers, managers, other fellow referees,
fans or just anyone who loves and respects the sport of professional wrestling.
For anyone who
has seen my work and would like to comment on it, use the form below and I will put it on the website on
the bottom of this page. Don't forget to put down your name, so I can quote you!
Thanks for the support and I will
see you at ringside!
Also, I am available for interviews!
For interviews as well as booking information, use the form below.
*Serious Inquiries Only.*
"Tony S. is the best ref in New England.
Period. With the exception of Jack Doan, he's the best I've ever seen. It's an embarrassment to bookers everywhere, as well
as a slap in the face to wrestling fans, that he isn't with WWE or TNA."
- Elliott Marquis
Loyal central Massachusetts wrestling fan &
wrestling expert; January 19, 2008
"Never in my life have I met such and incredible
guy and an even better ref. That man is one Tony S. Lore has it that he once reffed 12 matches in one night...that's incredible.
Plus, he's unfathomably handsome."
-Jason Fielding
Wrestling expert; January 19, 2008
"...TJ Styles (Tony S.) on the other hand,
is the best thing that's ever happened to the wrestling community and is just a solid good guy."
Wrestling fan; January 19, 2008
"Tony S...the man, the professional, the class
act; one of my favorite people in the wrestling industry."
-Bobby Cruise (Ring Announcer, Ring Of Honor)
April 4, 2008
"Tony is a true professional with an undying passion
and respect for this business. It is always a pleasure to work on the same shows with him. I'm proud to call him my friend."
-Rich Palladino (Ring Announcer & Commentator, Chaotic Wrestling)
July 28, 2008
"The fastest rising referee in the business, period."
-Josh Ramirez (Stand-Up Comedian & Wrestling Fan)
August 8, 2008
"Tony S...what a professional wrestling referee
should be like in and out of the ring; simply one of the best."
-"The Platinum Playboy" J-Busta (Former multi-time MWF Tag Team Champion)
October 29, 2011
"Tony S. is the top pro wrestling referee
in not only the New England area, but anywhere I have seen. He is very respectful to the business, talent and fans. Tony spends
countless hours studying his craft not just to better his workrate, but for the people he is working with. Taking cue from
legends like Earl Hebner, Dick Woerhle, Dick Kroll, Nick Patrick and Charles Robinson, Tony S. has the skills to stand out.
Most people only think of the refs are
able to be more than the man counting the three, the referee can and should be able to enhance the match. He still gets the
thrill from appearing in front of a crowd. Tony S. has a bright future in front of him because he still remembers why he wanted
to be part of the wrestling world."
Chris Sullivan
Wrestling Photographer
February 16, 2012
*This website is compatible with Internet Explorer 7/8. No content or images on this website may be re-used without the expressed written
consent of Referee Tony S.*